Buildable, moving, functional wooden models from Wooden City!
Made in Poland from laser-cut wood, you literally just pop the pieces out and start building! Requires no glue or nails to assemble, and comes with everything you need to build them!* Contains moving parts with fully-functional mechanisms; vehicles are self-driving, lock-boxes have working tumblers, musical instruments play music! All have moving parts for fun visual mechanical interactions!
While not particularly difficult, we do recommend that you have both a steady hand, for the smaller pieces, and about 5-10 hours of patience, as while they do not require glue or nails to assemble, they do fit together very tightly, and will not come apart again once put together. As such, double- and maybe even triple-check every step as you are doing them to make certain you do not miss anything; otherwise, the moving parts may not function properly!
*With a few exceptions for certain models, but those things are common household items
Wooden City Wooden Models
Materials: Wood